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APPEAR Workshop & Artist Talk
APPEAR *Art Upcycling*
Workshop für Student/innen
mit Designerin Buki Akomolafe
SA 12. Mai 2018 11 – 16 Uhr
Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299 Hamburg
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und auf max. 12 Personen begrenzt
Student/Innen sind herzlich eingeladen, gemeinsam mit der internationalen bekannten Designerin Buki Akomolafe einen Kreativworkshop durchzuführen.
Mit Handstickerei frei nach Gefühl und empfinden verändern. Second Hand weiße weite Hemden, andere Hemden oder auch T-Shirts werden neues Leben durch Farbe und Struktur geben. Teilnehmer bringen ihre Hemden oder T-Shirts mit.
Anmeldung erbeten bei oder
APPEAR *Art Upcycling*
Workshop for Students
with designer Buki Akomolafe
SA 12. May 2018 11 am – 4 pm
Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299 Hamburg
Participation is free of charge, the group is limited to 12 people
Students have the opportunity to attend this creative workshop together with the international designer Buki Akomolafe.
Make a change with hand embroidery freely according to your feelings and emotions. Second hand white wide shirts, other shirts or even T-shirts will be given new life through color and structure. Please bring your own shirts and t-shirts.
Please register here or
APPEAR *Expose yourself*
Workshop für Schüler/innen
mit dem Künstler Oumar Mbengue Atakosso
FR 11. Mai 2018 10 – 15 Uhr
Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299 Hamburg
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und auf max. 12 Personen begrenzt
Schüler/innen sind herzlich eingeladen, gemeinsam mit dem international bekannten Künstler Oumar Mbengue Atakosso einen Kreativworkshop durchzuführen.
Der Workshop findet in Dialogen und interaktivem Austausch zwischen den Teilnehmern auf Englisch statt. Der Workshop thematisiert Ideen, Zweifel, Wünsche, fragt nach neuen Worten und Bildern. *Expose yourself* ist eine Einladung, sich neu zu entwickeln und die Schönheit von Begegnungen zu genießen. Bitte bringt Eure eigenen T-Shirts mit.
Anmeldung erbeten bei oder
APPEAR *Expose yourself*
Workshop for school pupils
with the artist and lecturer Oumar Mbengue Atakosso
FR 11. May 2018 10 am – 3 pm
Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299 Hamburg
Participation is free of charge; max. 12 pupils can take part
School pupils are warmly invited to attend a creative workshop together with the international contemporary artists Oumar Mbengue Atakosso.
The workshop will take form of dialogue and interactive exchange between the participants and will be in English. It is a convocation of work of ideas, doubts, desires, and the question of words, as well the new images which appear and which question us. *Expose yourself* is a kind of invitation to reinvent yourself into the other. To respond to this convocation, participants must have a contemporary awareness such as migration and immigration, to associate and put all these parameters in the service of construction, and savor the beauty of meetings. Please bring your own t-shirts.
Please register here or
Edutainment & Networking – We are creating a space for cultural exposure and abstracted thoughts! APPEAR stands for Contemporary Creativity from an African perspective. APPEAR combines Design, Fashion and Literature. Our edutainment event, will take place for the first time on the 11th & 12th of May in Hamburg.
Friday 11th May 2018
10:00 – 15:00
*Expose yourself* – Workshop & Artist’s Talk with artist and lecturer Oumar Mbengue Atakosso – Creativity, cultural diversity and aesthetics from African perspectives
Location: Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299. Hamburg
The workshop will take form of dialogue and interactive exchange between the participants and will be in English. The workshop is a convocation of work of ideas, doubts, desires, and the question of words, as well the new images which appear and which question us. Expose yourself is a kind of invitation to reinvent yourself into the other.
To respond to this convocation, participants must have a contemporary awareness such as; migration and immigration, to associate and put all these parameters in the service of construction, and savor the beauty of meetings.
Participation is limited to a maximum of 12 school pupils, registration per email required: or
Doors Open
APPEAR – Design – Culture – Fashion Exhibition, Meet and Greet with the Designers & Artists
Location: Bismarckstraße 98, 20253 Hamburg
Introduction with Fashion Africa Now & Arca e. V.
Designer Presentation & Artist‘s Talk – Eguana Kampala, by Emmanuel Bagwana
Designer Presentation & Artist‘s Talk – Kids Of The Diaspora, by founder Leni Charles
Networking, cool beats by Azo Guys, drinks & snacks
Catering by Magdas Food Programme
Eguana Kampala
Saturday 12th May 2018
11:00 – 16:00
*Art Upcycling* – Workshop & Artist’s Talk with fashion designer Buki Akomolafe – Creativity, cultural diversity and aesthetics from African perspectives
Location: Kunstschule Krabax, Sierichstraße 124, 22299 Hamburg
Students have the opportunity to attend a creative workshop together with international and national contemporary artists and designers of African heritage.
Make a change with hand embroidery freely according to your feelings and emotions. Second hand white wide shirts, other shirts or even T-shirts will be given new life through color and structure. Participants have to bring their own shirts or T-shirts.
Participation is limited to a maximum of 12 students, registration per email required: or
Doors Open
APPEAR – Design – Culture – Fashion Exhibition, Meet and Greet with the Designers & Artists
Location: Bismarckstraße 98, 20253 Hamburg
Book Presentation & Artist‘s Talk with Dr. Natascha Kelly
Artists’ Talk with Ngozi Schommers, Oumar Mbengue Atakosso and Diana Ejaita, moderated by Emo Rugene
Designer Presentation & Artist‘s Talk – THE SEEED, by founder Martina Offeh
Designer Presentation & Artist‘s Talk – RICH MNISI
Networking, cool beats, drinks & snacks
Catering by Magdas Food Programme
Please register for the event on Eventbrite
Wir danken unseren Förderern und Kooperationspartnern Kunstschule Krabax. Das Projekt wird gefördert durch House of Resources die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg / Behörde für Kultur und Medien und Bezirksamt Hamburg-Nord.